21 March 2008

Macbeth hath murdered sleep

I've had insomnia for the last couple of weeks and also some bloody dreams (which I'm not going into here).
The insomnia does seem to be related to having ideas and working through issues to do with the Scottish play but also work and family etc.....

Anyway for me the thing about directing or being in a play is to really get to the heart of it and immerse myself in it. I'm wondering if sleep deprivation will give me new insights.

Oh and we've discovered the school won't let us have matinees during the week as they need the auditorium for classes as their classrooms are inadequate for the current roll. Which is a shame as one or two weekday matinees (if the cast could do them) would have been great.

1 comment:

Farawaymel said...

Why you want to do weekday matinees? for schools you mean?