31 May 2008

Read through and first cast get-together

I'm looking forward to getting the team together tomorrow - although there are one or two people who can't make it, notably the production co-ordinator Victoria. Although I've read everything and talked through a hell of a lot I still feel under-prepared.

27 May 2008

Revised version of poster

Cast selected for the play

With one or two exceptions I have a full cast. The posts now will include production issues and the processes we go through.

The normal story: 8 women capable of playing Lady Macbeth and 3 men capable of Macbeth. All of the witches I've cast could take on the role and I rejected a Lady Macbeth / Macbeth combination of 2 of the finest actors in town. However I am very pleased with the Macbeths have cast.

There were dramas in the auditons made worse as I haven't help proper auditions for 10 years having shoulder tapped since then. By the end of the day my brain was fried and judgement impaired. Also some really basic things about the next steps weren't conveyed to auditionees, by this I mean I forgot among other things to check their availability for the first read through.

Anyway as I like to sign my emails now - it's all good.

22 May 2008

Angus is a woman?

The male shortage has led me to think through my earlier idea of having one of the thanes as a woman because, really, she's a modern Scottish army officer. Eg Major Janet Angus. This has an added complication because Angus has taken on being killed by Macbeth in the penultimate scene instead of Young Siward. This creates problems around the 'man born of woman' dialogue. Anyway more thinking to do.

21 May 2008

The audition notice in the paper ....

has netted 1 audition enquiry as at 3 pm... more this evening I suspect.

20 May 2008


I have the rehearsal copy ready to go!
It will need some changes depending on the actors I get - but it's very close.

Slots for auditions filling up

Anyone wanting an audition time should get in touch! The slots are filling fast.

Meanwhile the curse of Macbeth is my laptop has been crushed losing some vital files for the play in the process. Good news is I have got a copy of 'The Occult philosophy in the Elizabethan Age' by Frances Yates which is a good relevant read.

14 May 2008

Audition enquiries suggest excellent auditions

I'm really impressed with some of the people who have contacted me about the auditions. Some because they're experienced, a couple because they're knowledgable, but most because they're keen.

05 May 2008

Our production

Auditions are 20 days away. What is good is that I am already impressed with the auditionees! Although I'm not sure we've got all our parts covered yet.

02 May 2008

Audition times

Auditions are on 25 May 2008, Elmwood Auditorium, Aikmans Rd, Christchurch.
  • Macbeth and Lady Macbeth auditions from 9am
  • Other characters 11 am on
  • Witches from 2 pm

Anyone that can't make these times should contact me directly.

Macbeth and Lady Macbeth actors will be auditioned together with each actor getting to read with at least two others.

Witches will be auditioned in groups. The witches will be dancing so we’re looking for witches who can move.

The Poster - more or less

Well there was a poll on the site with all of 8 votes ... and it had no impact on the final poster! (what do you expect of website polls?) Anyway courtesy of Julian here is the poster which will be made more modest to keep schools happy.