27 May 2008

Cast selected for the play

With one or two exceptions I have a full cast. The posts now will include production issues and the processes we go through.

The normal story: 8 women capable of playing Lady Macbeth and 3 men capable of Macbeth. All of the witches I've cast could take on the role and I rejected a Lady Macbeth / Macbeth combination of 2 of the finest actors in town. However I am very pleased with the Macbeths have cast.

There were dramas in the auditons made worse as I haven't help proper auditions for 10 years having shoulder tapped since then. By the end of the day my brain was fried and judgement impaired. Also some really basic things about the next steps weren't conveyed to auditionees, by this I mean I forgot among other things to check their availability for the first read through.

Anyway as I like to sign my emails now - it's all good.

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